Friday, December 18, 2009

Last boring craft post for a while!

I promise! Nathan's coming home tonight {YIPPEE} so I probably won't be in the mood to craft for a while. So you won't have to read about my boring crafts anymore!
I needed another toy box for Kaylin's room. So I decided to turn one of our laundry baskets into one...again I just used some scraps I had.

Kaylin was very helpful.

And this is how it turned out!! I used some chenille, like 5 or 6 glue sticks, and some ribbon! Super Easy!


randi said...

super cute! what a great idea, i might have to steal it!

Jordan said...

I use that idea for everything. I have a wicker basket that I lined with fabric in my kitchen and it holds all my cookbooks. And in Sawyers cowboy room we lined wiskey barrels with denim for a toy box! It works so good! Then you can move it to vacuum easy!

rial & lisa solomon said...

boring crafts, yeah right! (thats sarcasm, its hard to catch with out sound). That is super cute! I am so getting a glue gun for my birthday.