Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Back to Louisiana!

 Well...I've been back to visit Nathan twice since we've moved back here to AZ.  I don't have all the pics from the first trip....Nathan has them on his camera (which is now getting on a bus to go across the WORLD!) But we had a great time together! We drove to Dallas (after buying a new battery for the car...after the car wouldn't start...after the first gas stop...AND after the first hotel stay!) We went to Six Flags and ate lots of Shrimp Margarita's at Rockfish! 
These next pics are from the second trip...I brought Taylor along with me and we stayed at the best Bed and Breakfast ever! The first night there were two other families there but the 2nd and 3rd night we had the whole house to ourselves! It was awesome! They had tons of chickens and Taylor got to get the eggs and put them in the basket.

So glad we got to see Nathan again before he leaves. Now the countdown begins!


Petersens said...

Did he get deployed? For how long? So glad you got to see him before hand!