Friday, January 30, 2009

My growing belly!

Here's me at 23 (almost 24 weeks)! Still feeling pretty good! I'm sure in a few weeks I won't be able to say that anymore. I love this stage of pregnancy!


Dayna said...

I can't wait to haved my belly like that! I'm glad you are feeling so good. And your hair is super cute! You look great! Love you lots and miss you!

brightonislove said...

ahhh! you are so cute so pregnant! hey, get me your address so i can send you a wedding invite. we are sending them out in a few weeks i think!

Sopha said...

ahhh sammy you look great too!! im so excited for you and lil taylor! i miss you!!

Spencer, Ashley & Riley said...

aw i love prego bellies!

Kay said...

Aw, you're cute when you're pregnant! I just look chubby... ☺ Yea! for us being more than half way! Now, if only May would just get here!!

Justin and Fiola said...

Sam, you look beautiful! I love your hair and I am so jealous that you are prego with number 2! I hope all is well!

logan t. daly said...
hope you are doing well sam :)

Kourtney Dawn said...

lookin good!