Well there's some more pictures for your viewing pleasure.
I'm writing this all out so I don't forget the details...don't bore yourself too much reading it!
Nathan surprised me Friday morning with a picture text of him in front of his truck (thats the first picture up there) outside the house. I had NO clue he was coming home! It was such an awesome surprise! I didn't know if I should be mad at him for lying to me or excited because he was home... So I just cried. I had a dr.'s appointment scheduled for 2:30 on Friday so Nathan went with me to that and we scheduled an inducing for me the next morning at 4:30. At about 12:30 Friday night I woke up with contractions. I laid there for a while thinking they would go away like they always did and THEY DIDN'T!! So I got in the bath to see if that would make them stop and they still didn't but they weren't very painful so I wasn't really sure. So at about 1:30 I try to go back to bed and they finally start hurting so off to the hospital we go. We get there at about 2:00 after we got a little lost...not a good idea when your in active labor!! We get to triage and I'm already 7 cm. Oh it was kinda funny cuz they called while I was changing and Nathan answered and they told him there were no beds so they couldn't induce me at 4:30....too bad...we're already here!! So they move me to a bigger area in triage since there were no beds in L&D. They finally come in to give me the epidural and poke me twice before they get it right...it felt like I was sitting there forever! That is the worst position to be in when your having contractions!! So I lay back down after they get the epidural in and I tell the nurse I need to push...so I do and there goes my water!! Then I push about 2 more times and Taylor Ann was here at 3:09! I felt every bit of it and it was an amazing experience! She cried for the first hour of her life and hasn't really cried since. She is such a good baby. We are so excited to have her in our family! Yes, even Kaylin is excited!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
The Birth of Taylor Ann!
Posted by Samantha at 5:31 PM 10 comments
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
She's Here!!
Taylor Ann was born on Saturday the 23rd at 3:09 a.m.
7 lbs. 13 ounces
20 1/2 inches long
I'll tell you the whole story later!
Posted by Samantha at 6:50 PM 12 comments
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
It's a hard knock life....
Here's Nathan and a couple of his buddies from Jump School....
They went to Panama Beach, FL last weekend...
Must be rough huh?!?!?
He had to butter me up before he told me what he was going to be doing last weekend. It was pretty funny actually. I knew he really needed a break from all the Sergeants and yelling and immature guys so I was glad he was able to take a little trip. He said the beaches were so nice and the water was so clear! I was so jealous! He got super fried tho but that's what happens when you fall asleep on the beach for 2 hours!!And here's me today...39 weeks pregnant. I've tried everything I can think of to get this baby out....guess she doesn't think its time yet. So I'll just keeping trying and waiting....I can't be pregnant forever, right?!?!
Posted by Samantha at 9:43 AM 7 comments
Friday, May 15, 2009
Yes I just posted 2 days ago (thanks Myke)...
But I just want you all to know...
Posted by Samantha at 9:04 AM 6 comments
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Summer here we come....
Just because its time for a little update...here's what we've been doing recently. Kaylin loves her little pool and the BIG pool which is a little scary but we've been having a lot of fun playing outside!
She's so cute!! She definatly keeps me on my toes! I'm so grateful to be her mom!
I had a doctor's appointment today and she checked my progress....
3 centimeters dilated and 60% effaced!! Better then nothing I guess...I hate this waiting game. I'm so ready to not be pregnant anymore!!
Hopefully my next post will be about Baby Taylor!!!
(sorry the pictures are huge...you can click on them to see them in their entirety)
Posted by Samantha at 5:01 PM 3 comments