"Papa" and "Bama" are still here so they watched the girls while me and Nathan took a little trip to Baton Rouge. We only stayed one night but it was lots of fun {even tho it rained the WHOLE way there and all night}. We were planning on going to the temple and we checked online before we went but it was closed! Bummer! But of course we still enjoyed our time alone. We did a lot of shopping, saw "Blind Side" {which was AMAZING and I recommend to everyone!!}, ate some very delicious sushi, scarfed down some cheap {2 dollars and sixty eight cents for 2 big cup fulls!!} frozen yogurt, had some deep discussions that inlcuded something about the difference between 'well' and 'whale';), and spent some lazy time in our hotel suite that included a jacuzzi! I also got a haircut...pics to come later....
Love you so much Baby!!
Thanks again Mom and Dad!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Callin' Baton Rouge
Posted by Samantha at 9:06 PM 2 comments
Monday, December 28, 2009
Santa was a little late...
but he made up for it!! We decided to wait to do Christmas until after my parents got here, which was at about 7:30 Christmas night. Kaylin was so excited to finally get to tear into her presents.
My mom and dad got her a play kitchen. She LOVES it! She actually opened it the day after Christmas since we were up so late the night before opening the other gifts. She's had lots of fun cooking for us and bringing us "coke" to drink.
Taylor had fun trying to help Kaylin unwrap her presents....Kaylin had fun saying "NO...STOP!"
These next few are out of order{dangit}but you get the idea.Nathan and I got her a Princess FJ Cruiser. She tried to run over Nathan after she finally figured out how to make it go.
She opened all her presents while sitting in there...she did not want to get out!
Very happy girl! It was so fun watching her be so excited this year!!
She wanted to get in even before all the wrapping paper was off!
Sorry there aren't more pictures of miss Taylor...she was asleep by the time we got around to opening present Christmas night. She loves playing with all the wrapping paper tho!
We got to feed the missionaries lunch on Christmas day and then they used our phones to call home. It was fun to have them here. I really enjoyed the special spirit they brought to our home. I also enjoyed seeing how excited they were to talk to their families! I certainly know how they felt with not being able to see their families during the holidays! We miss you all!
Hope you had a Merry Christmas!
Posted by Samantha at 6:44 PM 3 comments
Friday, December 18, 2009
Last boring craft post for a while!
I promise! Nathan's coming home tonight {YIPPEE} so I probably won't be in the mood to craft for a while. So you won't have to read about my boring crafts anymore!I needed another toy box for Kaylin's room. So I decided to turn one of our laundry baskets into one...again I just used some scraps I had.
Kaylin was very helpful.
And this is how it turned out!! I used some chenille, like 5 or 6 glue sticks, and some ribbon! Super Easy!
Posted by Samantha at 9:56 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Naptime craft
I needed a Christmas card holder, so I decided to made one with some of my scraps.
Now I have a place to display all the cute Christmas cards I get!!
When Kaylin woke up from her nap she looked over there and said "WOooOW...cute!" LOL.
Thanks for the approval Kaylin!!
Posted by Samantha at 12:38 PM 3 comments
Sunday, December 6, 2009
See you in 2 weeks
Nathan is gone for 2 whole weeks. He'll be in Fort Huachuca, AZ of all places! He's doing a tracking class there. So its just me and the girls until the 18th! Of course I have to keep my mind busy so I made that cute "S" ornament. Too bad it only took about an hour. Now I have to figure something else out to do.
Anyone wanna come visit me??
I took this pic right before I got on here to blog. Kaylin was trying to get the crayons off the t.v. screen so she could color. LOL! So glad I have her to make me smile everyday!
Posted by Samantha at 10:58 AM 5 comments
Friday, November 27, 2009
Christmas Cards
I need addresses for our Christmas cards! Email me your address if you want one!
Or you can leave it in a comment and I'll delete as soon as I get it.
Posted by Samantha at 7:21 AM 5 comments
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Unit Family Fun Day!
The guy told me to just hold down the trigger...so that's what I did. I guess you're not really supposed to do that, you're only supposed to shoot like 3 at a time. Whoops! It was so fun tho! Even tho all the guys were laughing at me. I got to shoot 2 laying down guns {Nathan's gonna laugh at me for calling them "laying down guns" but really...how am i supposed to remember all their names??}
Posted by Samantha at 1:50 PM 1 comments
MY Stud Muffin
"The EIB is awarded to U.S. Army personnel who hold Infantry or special forces military occupational specialities. To be awarded the EIB, the service member must complete a testing phase which is the culmination of weeks of training, leading to a final evaluation period. The EIB test is administered on the average once per year with pass rates usually averaging less than 10 percent, depending on the unit conducting testing." I copied that from the U.S. Army Infantry Homepage. They are supposed to get weeks of training before the final evaluation but Nathan only got to train for one week and out of 180 guys who started the training...only 30 something graduated...Nathan being one of them! And I might add that most of the guys he is standing with are Seargants, Nathan is a Private 1st Class. It was actually pretty funny when they were reading off the names. You heard "Seargant so and so, Seargant so and so, PFC Sherwood, Seargant so and so...." It was like he didn't belong there! Haha. But it just shows how awesome he is doing!
Posted by Samantha at 12:33 PM 1 comments
Tip Junkie...
...is having the 12 Days of Junkie Giveaway!!! Check it out!!!!
Posted by Samantha at 12:15 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Friday Night Lights

Leaving the field
He also walked in the Homecoming parade but I was about 15 minutes late and missed him so no pics of that.
Posted by Samantha at 4:59 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Baby Food
Taylor got to try baby food for the first time last night. I should have tried something a little tastier then peas....
Posted by Samantha at 3:26 PM 4 comments
Creative Juices
My rag rug. This took forever but it was worth it. Its the softest rug EVER! I love it! I'll probably be making a few more of these.
Here's what I did today today while both girls napped! {After}
Posted by Samantha at 3:14 PM 5 comments
Monday, November 2, 2009
The cute little Lady bug and the pretty Fairy Princess!
We had a pretty eventful Halloween this year. Friday night we went to downtown Leesville for "Witch Way to Maine street" All the downtown businesses pass out candy. It was fun. Kaylin just enjoyed checking out all the costumes. The camera battery was dead...so sorry there's no pics from that night. Halloween night our ward had a Trunk or Treat. We had dinner and played games too. Kaylin had so much fun!She tried throwing 2 of these rings but after missing twice she decided to just put the ring on the leg...much easier then trying to throw it!! Smart girl! I forgot to take pics of her trick or treating!! After the first few she finally figured it out to say "trick or treat" and then "thank you". She got so much candy!! Her bag got pretty heavy. I offered to carry it for her but she would not have it!
Nathan and I didn't dress up but Nathan said we could just say we were models...so here we are modeling with Rufus. (this was attempt #10 of trying to get a good pic with the self timer)
Hope you all had a Happy Halloween!!
Posted by Samantha at 4:45 AM 4 comments